It is said that blondes have more fun then brunettes; I never believed this until now. Wiry, brittle and lifeless, the grey hair is something of an expected burden. Unfortunately, misery is inflicted on darker haired people by this natural ageing of the hair. That is not to say that blondes do not suffer from the periodic sprouting of a grey. But as they well know, this death-like streaking is somewhat less apparent against their golden locks. I am sorry to say that temptation to remove the unwanted affliction is short-lived when you discover that three will appear in its place. An old wives tale maybe, but I’m not sure I’m ready to chance it. Nevertheless this death-like structure hasn’t got the better of me yet. For now, I have invested in a new best friend, hair dye. This timely process is an unforeseen expense however it has come to that time in life where in order to appear youthful, beauty upkeep is a necessity. I just hope that Garnier will continue to take care of me.
1 comment:
nah, its all about loreal creme excellence
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